6 Month “Feminine Fire – Here for More” Program
Finding Purpose
“Thank you for my transformation …”
This Feminine Fire program has been instrumental for my personal and professional development in 2024.
Nicky’s program allowed me to see my blindspots, address my self limiting beliefs and truly helped me transform my life. Through each module, I learned more about myself and what I wanted from life personally and professionally.
The meditations and hypnosis audios were fully bespoke to my needs and made a huge impact, Nicky was available throughout with live coaching calls and at the end of a whatsapp or phonecall.
Thank you for my transformation!
Saloni T – Business Consultant, Cloud Cyber Security
Money Blocks
“Don’t think, just do it! …”
Working with Nicky is a dream come true! She’s extremely skilled and has tons of experience, and her results show!
I had my first session with Nicky in October 2023, and I keep coming back to resolve other blocks that I have. I started with money mindset issues that were deeply rooted in my childhood. I have been unable to resolve them for the past 20+ years, and Nicky has done it in just two sessions!!! What’s possible with RTT and the other Therapy she does still blows my mind. EVERYTHING that blocked and stopped me is gone for good!
I wish I had met Nicky much sooner! If you’re thinking about working with her, don’t think; just do it. You will not regret it.
The next topic we’ll resolve is anxiety around health, and I can’t wait!
Simone S – Business owner & Entrepreneur – The Netherlands
Depression, Low Self Worth, Guilt
“RTT with Nicky Transformed my Life …”
RTT with Nicky truly transformed my life!
I battled depression all my life, but didn’t understand it was from my childhood trauma that I held in my body. RTT allowed me to physically release this negative energy. Throughout my life, I’ve tried talk therapy, religion, reading self-help books, talking with friends and family…..I felt I had left no stone unturned.
I was wrong!
I admit the light hypnosis sounded a bit woo-woo, but i wanted so desperately to be free from my inner torment, that I was open to giving it a try and I’m so pleased I did. After my initial 1:1 Therapy session (which was incredible!) I decided I wanted to work with Nicky in her 6 month “Feminine Fire: Here for More” program where I met some incredible women who I have stayed in touch with.
If you truly want to heal and reconnect with your authentic self, don’t wait another minute. I understand now how critical it is to heal your body as well as your mind. I wish I would have known this years ago, but its’ never too late find peace, and open up to new levels of success in my business and my relationships.
Amy E – I.T Project Manager, Surrey
RTT & Coaching
“This Saved My Life …”
Nicky saved my life.
I constantly had suicidal thoughts. All day and every time I woke at night I was planning how to kill me and my husband (because of his Alzheimers diagnosis)…. and how to warn our daughters not to come round till they’d called the police.
One day…. I remembered Nicky and messaged her.
One Therapy session later and my life changed
My perspective changed
Hope came back into my life
I changed
I knew I wanted more of this work and to stay in this energy as I thought that one session and her very careful follow-up wasn’t enough to change 74 year-old habits so I signed up to her 6-month programme.
We’ve had way, way more than promised!
My life is back on an even keel, full of joy, full of promise and full of life
You don’t have to wait till you hit rock-bottom. Talk to Nicky. It’s worth it. I promise
Dorothy, Business owner, & Carer
“This has Changed My Life …” – Eva Vecchio, Italy
Before I decided to reach out to Nicky I was in really bad shape. I had chronic anxiety and a significant amount of fear every day to deal with, which was all related to my childhood trauma. All the work I was doing on the surface level, did not help. I was exhausted from feeling scared all the time, not sure if I could trust my own feelings and my decisions. I just felt I needed to do some deeper work to get to the root cause of this situation, otherwise I would never be able to move forward with my life.
The session was very intense and unfolded some painful things for me, but I fully trusted Nicky. I felt absolutely secure and in “loving hands” all the way through. And the result of the session was wonderful! It was deep and it felt like I unchained myself from four decades of fear, which was overriding my life experiences. I felt like I was born again, but this time as fully healthy human being with new life to live. Life free from negative conditioning.
I allowed myself the next month to fully integrate my new beliefs and now, I feel so grateful, happy, joyful and abundant every single day. Sure, sometimes a little fear comes in, but now I can control and direct my thoughts, I am in charge of my life and my experiences. This RTT session has changed my life and I will always recommend this therapy to anyone who wants to be free. I have done so much inner work prior to this, mindset, energy work and breathwork, but nothing has helped me like this Therapy with Nicky.
Nicky is most wonderful therapist I could ever meet on my journey and I don’t have enough appreciative words for her. Give yourself the gift of freedom from any negative conditioning, you will not believe how truly wonderful you can feel and how your life will change.
Thank you Nicky with all my heart!
“A life changing experience” – Donia K. – London
A friend recommended me Nicky and Rapid Transformational Therapy, and I was quite sceptical with the idea to start with. As a “control freak” the immediate thought was that I wouldn’t be able to let go, I was scared of what would be uncovered, and just overall nervous about it all. At this point, my anxiety was leaving me quite helpless, so I thought, let’s see what it is about.
I had my first call with Nicky, and her energy immediately puts you at ease. There is not much more I can say, you just FEEL like this is a safe space, and that it would help. So I signed up for the RTT, and quite frankly, it was life changing.
I had never experienced anxiety before, and over the course of a few months, my life turned upside down and it became my suffocating reality. The RTT gave me the answers I needed. The beauty of it all it that all these answers come from within. I am over 2 months post RTT and what amazes me is seeing more changes progressively happening.
I feel confident, I feel enough, and I feel aligned with the people around me. I am compassionate with myself and others. It is a weird thing to say, but I feel like I am at the right place and that things are going to be ok.
Most importantly, the RTT gave me keys to understand myself and my emotions better.
I would recommend it to anyone, and I am grateful that Nicky and I met. She has another program which I will enrol in too, and I hope that many other people can cross her path to get the answers they need.
Donia K – London
Procrastination / Money blocks / Sabotaging Behaviour in Business
We have been going 2 weeks now! It’s almost like a blockage has been removed which prevented great stuff happening, making me struggle in many aspects of life and now all this goodness is pouring in.
It feels like this goodness was just sitting there all the time bottled up, and locked away bubbling away, and Nicky removed the cork from the bottle and all the fizzy bubbles are now gushing out.
So much has happened in just 2 weeks – I’ve got heaps more energy and written 4 x new magnets which immediately added 32 leads to my email list, a win on the Premium bonds, lost weight and made sales into my membership site! I also got invited to be a panelist on a top marketers workshop and a guest on a brilliant podcast!
Karen M – Businesswoman and Membership Site Owner
PTSD, Anxiety, Trauma, Relationship Issues
“My mental health was okay – but I still felt “stuck” emotionally within a lot of my trauma. As soon as I spoke with Nicky on the phone I felt an instant connection.
The session itself was incredible. You made me feel totally at ease, totally relaxed and completely calm. Even when my grief was “released”, I never felt uncomfortable. I felt emotionally “held” by you.
As for my results…. I don’t even know where to begin! I had got so used to the “carrying” the trauma around with me on my chest and my shoulders. I would take pain killers like sweets because of the constant pain I was in, never realising it was just “held in trauma”! I can’t remember the last time I had a pain killer. My chest feels completely free, my shoulders are no longer in pain. The difference in my head and my heart is almost beyond my comprehension. I feel emotionally “free”. I sleep better. I don’t get triggered like I used too. I vary rarely think of my previous traumas and if I do, it’s not with a massive reaction like before.
To anyone considering a session with Nicky…. I would HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND this type of therapy. I feel calmer, more relaxed, more in charge of my emotions and feelings towards my emotions, I feel free! Please do this therapy with Nicky – it is totally and utterly life changing”
Mrs M D – Portishead, Bristol
12 Week RTT & Coaching – Feminine Fire – Ignite Your Passion, Purpose, Potential
I didn’t know what to expect when signing up for this program or how greatly it would impact my life. I’d had one RTT session with Nicky which changed my life completely so didn’t think anything could top that but as I love learning i thought I’d give it a go.
I mean every word when I say prior to this program I was a drifter, I was totally lost, felt no connection with anyone, lacked self worth and energy and didn’t know what self respect meant. And then I did this program and it was like all the pennies in a slot machine were starting to drop into the right place and I was going from being lost to rich, enriched with knowledge.
I now know who I am, I have opinions, I don’t agree with people to simply please them but also am now confident and happy to simply walk away.
Prior to this program, I have never done anything without someone else’s permission. I’ve had a great career but I’ve faced constant workplace bullying which mirrored my home life and lived each day on high alert waiting for the next bomb to go off and to be blamed for it.
Working with Nicky’s 12 week program made me realise I was quite co-dependent and constantly sought external validation which I finally recognised is pointless – I’m so grateful I did this program. I’ve done so many courses for my career, personal growth and development – this program was all I really needed.
I pray there is a Nicky out there for every woman who has faced similar personal challenges to those I’ve faced, she isn’t a life saver she is a life enabler.
Miss R – Birmingham, UK
Lifelong Anxiety
I have suffered from very bad generalised anxiety my whole life. I was always incredibly concerned about what people thought about me, I was very insecure. I struggled with public speaking and I struggled to perform on the sports field at a high level. As a result of this constant anxiety, my energy levels were always low. Life was generally very difficult.
I ‘d come to the point that I was no longer willing to just put coping mechanisms in place. I wanted to address the issue and sort it out for good. I was just concerned that this wouldn’t work in the same way that everything else I’ve tried hasn’t solved the issue. HOWEVER THIS HAS WORKED!
I felt incredibly comfortable with Nicky from the start. I found it incredible what came up from my past which was impacting me now – I was just so desperate to address the issue as it was having a huge drag on my life.
4 weeks after my session, I feel free. Everyday I am growing in confidence. Every day to day action previously involved some form of anxiety, but now I know how to control my mind and every day gets easier. This was the best money I’ve ever spent – this has changed my life and I know it’s going to last because my mindset has completely changed now!
Al, Hertfordshire – Professional Sportsman
Lack of Confidence / Depression
Just wanted to let you know that since my session with you a couple of weeks ago, my mindset has changed so much! I feel free, to be honest, that is the only word I can use to describe how I feel, after we smashed through my old beliefs. I feel lighter, and have welcomed back my long lost real me, inside and out. I am enjoying my thoughts and my actions which were always there, but somehow squashed underneath some very unhealthy ways of thinking that I had had for so long.
I hope that all makes sense! I am really and truly back to my real self, and keep catching myself smiling and thinking “Yes!, welcome back Carol, I really am me now”.
Carol – Prison Worker
Lack of Confidence in Relationships and Career

My testimonial….
Tamsin P – Affiliate Sales, London
Lack of Confidence, Self Esteem, Self Sabotaging and Low Self Worth
Having that complete love for myself for the first time has felt really quite profound.
6 MONTHS Later
Sarah – Author – UK
Trauma, PTSD, Lifelong Self Sabotage and Anger – Medically Retired Navy Veteran, been in Therapy for 20 years
One session….I want to thank you for being so kind yesterday – This morning was a lot better after having spoken with you. I’ve told my therapist countless time how I wake up angry in the mornings and he never once told me to check my self-talk, to figure out what I was angry about when I wake up. It’s a simple task – I didn’t figure anything out, but it stopped the anger and made me think. To me, that’s a huge breakthrough. Thank you!
I honestly feel like I’m making progress for the first time in a very long time. I have you to thank for that, Nicky. I want you to know how awesome I think you are. I honestly feel like I’m on the right path now. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Brenda – US Medically Retired Navy Veteran
Self Sabotage, Income cap, Low self esteem
I have long felt that I was holding myself back and being “overlooked” for promotion in my career and to be honest I always felt a bit of an “imposter” even though I have trained and qualified at a good level and am more qualified than those who are being promoted around me. I also felt that I attracted amazing women….but I always let them down and I’ve never truly been able to connect intimately – something that has played on my mind for a while now. I must admit I was sceptical….”woo woo” stuff is not really my thing, but when my friend recommended you, I thought it could do no harm, I was fed up feeling like this, and now seemed a good a time as any. I was honestly astonished at what came up – I had no idea what I had been holding on to and what my “child” mind had believed to be so true about me at a core level.
I actually feel like a great weight has been lifted, I feel like I now have “permission” to succeed at the highest level – the session itself blew my mind and I have already referred you to a friend as you were so thorough and so caring throughout. I actually can’t wait to date again – I feel like something has finally shifted inside me. Thank you! – I would not hesitate to recommend Nicky – in fact I already have.
Paul – Insurance Broker – London
Incapable of Sustaining a Loving Relationship
I decided to seek help because I was tired of being incapable of having a healthy and loving relationship. I knew that I had some short of unconscious inner blocker. I was nervous but I can tell you it was one of the best decisions of my life!!! During the hypnosis sesions we were able to find events that shaped my life since I was 5 years old!!! It is amazing how past events can shape your life and how based on these you may unconsciously “protect” yourself.
From being quite a shy, introverted person, I feel completely energetic and alive. I love interacting wit people, speaking with anyone and even making jokes. I feel very proud and comfortable with myself and loveable.
If you have any inner blocker, I suggest you not waiting and letting your life pass by. Schedule a session with Nicky and let it change your life
James – Marketing Manager, Toulouse, France
8 Week “Find Your Passion & Purpose RTT & Coaching” Program
The one to one session we had as part of the program really allowed me the opportunity to see what was driving some of my thinking as an adult. It was like a yahoo moment when I understood what was behind my thinking. However, the group discussions and meeting like minded women really showed me what it felt like to belong.
My biggest transformation is ME, my behaviours, my outlook and my thinking. I am much happier with purpose back in my life!
Louise B – Scottish Executive
8 Week “Find Your Passion & Purpose RTT & Coaching” Program
In an open, genuine vulnerable and very real way, Nicky’s passion for what she does is apparent and infectious – You made it all come alive for each of us, you made it possible for us to believe we could….
The Values exercise was such an eye opener for me and made things much clearer in my mind about what I needed to do. I hadn’t realised what an important role it plays in our personal happiness and growth. As for the audios we got – I loved them – they just speak to my soul! How did I ever live without them before?
L. A – Assistant Pharmacist and Therapist, Middlesex UK
Attracting the Wrong Relationships
My issue was my inability to form strong lasting friendships or relationships, which as an intelligent individual and high achiever – I found difficult to figure out. Throughout my whole life I have attracted the same time of person, a bully. I had read every spiritual book out there, taken part in every cleansing soul class, had counselling, NLP, Reiki, CBT, hypnosis and still the same type of person was re-entering into my life, constantly on a loop.
When making the appointment I was hesitant, I felt I had tried everything, so could Nicky really make a difference? But on our first consultation call Nicky really listened and just by the words she used, I felt she really understood the frustration and tiredness I felt about life and my relationships.
Nicky is an exceptionally skilled therapist and my RTT session was very comfortable despite the subject being incredibly sensitive.
Since my session with Nicky, my life has changed in so many positive ways, and one of the key things I learned is to understand how to have an inner dialogue when things do not feel emotionally right with me. I no longer interact with the wrong people on dating apps. This is the best money I have ever spent on myself and I highly recommend Nicky.
JR – Midlands, UK
8 Week “Find Your Passion & Purpose RTT & Coaching” Program
My favourite part of my coaching program with Nicky was being part of an amazing program with amazing women who were all on the same page. My least favourite part was when it “ended”. I felt part of something very special and we have all stayed in touch.
My biggest shift has been the way I see money – I now feel that I deserve it in my life and that I can manifest good things for myself and I also value myself more in relationships and when I am trying to ‘date’ – I now don’t put up with the ‘low vibration’ guys….
I understand so much more about my mind’s ‘blueprint’ and how it wasn’t serving me but I guess my biggest transformation is feeling that I am finally, starting to recognise my ‘worth’ which as you know is huge for me. So, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
I would absolutely recommend coaching with Nicky, It is one of the best decisions I have made in my life…. Thank you!
Rosie C – Entrepreneur & Businesswoman, Hampshire UK
Depression, Low Self Esteem, Agoraphobia
Hey –Nicky so sorry I haven’t been in touch! I haven’t stopped I’m a changed woman! I feel completely stress free a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I’m LIVING again meeting friends got back to work I found my vision and have an outlook. And it’s finally a positive one.!! I am achieving and everyone around me seems different too! In a good way!
Still got to work on doing things alone but my outlook is becoming naturally easier! My mind feels more at peace thanks to you.
Love Lisa xxx
Lisa G – North Essex
Alopecia Areata (Hair loss)
I had a session with Nicky in April 2019 for stress and immune system related Alopecia. It was a great session and I had a lovely recording to listen to. Just a couple of weeks later I noticed that all the patches were starting to grow back, which was great, but this has happened before, so I wanted to leave it a bit.
Now in March 2020 I realised I had not suffered any further Alopecia patches, but with the Corona virus outbreak, I asked my sister to check my hair to see if I had any new patches as both of us have noticed some of our auto immune things flaring up since all this Corona nonsense. The Alopecia was to remind me to take care of myself so I was concerned that it’d rear its head again given all of the recent stresses but I have no patches at all…none!!
I’ve not had that for over 4 years. All thanks to you Nicky!! Thank you xx
JS – Business Owner, North London
Relationship Issues
I came to Nicky because I heard about RTT and had some lingering issues I wanted to work on in my personal life. I’ve done a lot of work on the issues I knew about, but I knew there were a couple of things holding me back that were deep in my sub conscious.
I was referred to Nicky because I heard she gets great results and for me personally I can say she really delivered.
We did an in-depth RTT session where she really got to the heart of the issue and helped me in relationships both with my wife and also with my Mother who was visiting for a couple of weeks. I can absolutely say that my relationship with my wife has improved to a much better level and the visit that I was dreading with my Mum went very well too. To clear out these relationship issues is a huge benefit in my life and I feel much closer to my wife.
Nicky is very, professional and very knowledgeable and she treated me with kindness and respect and compassion the whole way through – she explained things so well – she’s a real master practitioner at what she does and I’m really glad to have Nicky in my inner circle of trusted people and can absolutely recommend her to anyone who has some issues to be cleared.
Michael A – Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Surrey
Low Confidence – Wants to find Love
It is now about 2 months since our session and I am still listening to your recording most evenings when I go to bed because I love it.
I have also heard from my American ex boyfriend who was for me, “the one that got away”!!
He has contacted me out of the blue and we are meeting up soon – as he says he feels the same! Honestly life couldn’t be better!
Beyond the sky is the limit! Thank you so much!!!
Carol – Age 56 – Beautician, Surrey
“Yo-yo Dieting, Weight Issues, Self Sabotage in Career Success
I wish I had discovered RTT years ago…..
Yo-yo dieting, weight problems and food obsession coupled with repeating life patterns of self sabotaging my success in life led me to seek out RTT. After years of self-help books, trying this and that, I realised that I needed a more permanent solution. Very soon after my RTT sessions with Nicky I noticed positive changes and, I’m very happy to say, continue to see changes all the time.
I had two sessions with Nicky and through a combination of skill and RTT, Nicky was able to pinpoint and assist with the release of the childhood root causes that were blocking me on a subconscious level.
I still listen to the recording Nicky designed for me every single day and will continue to do so as I enjoy listening to it so much. Nicky’s approach is very professional and caring and she makes you feel so comfortable and safe and checks in with you regularly after the session.
I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her.”
6 Week “Heartache to Soul mate” Coaching program – Self Confidence (Relationships)
I can highly recommended Nicky!!
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Anxiety
Due to a friend’s recommendation I contacted Nicky to help with my IBS and anxiety. I never would have tried RTT without the direct recommendation because I am very wary of so-called cures on the internet! However, I can honestly say this is the best money I have spent on my recovery and management. I am significantly less stressed and now drop off to sleep immediately. The most surprising result has been that I am now very aware of the thoughts I am having and the messages I am telling myself – I can catch and reframe any unconducive thoughts easily. My IBS symptoms have improved and for the first time in 2 years I have re-introduced a little dairy in to my diet without any issues. Absolutely an essential treatment for anyone who is suffering from stress-induced illnesses.
Procrastination and Self Sabotaging Her Success – Fear of Public Speaking/ Visibility
“I was lucky enough to have a session with Nicky just over 3 weeks ago – I wasn’t sure what to expect but Nicky really puts you at ease and has a lovely way about her and I felt completely relaxed.
I actually really enjoyed the session and it was amazing what came out – things just popped up from my childhood that I had completely forgotten about but when they came up I suddenly knew why they had been holding me back.
My issue was I’m a certified health coach and I wasn’t really getting myself out there – I know I can help people, and I believe in myself but I had lost confidence and just couldn’t put my self out there to market my business.
I had the session and listened to the personalised audio that Nicky does for you and just 3 weeks later I’m taking so much bigger action I don’t feel I have the fear any more – I’ve been doing Facebook “Lives” and putting myself back out on social media again and the things that I had planned to do but shelved I feel excited about again and I really feel I can do them now with confidence.
Symptoms: Anxiety, Self Esteem, Confidence
“I was in a really low place when I booked my RTT session with Nicky. I cannot tell you how life-changing the results have been.
I wasn’t sure what to expect although I had experienced hypnotherapy before and I also practice self-development, however, this was nothing like my previous experiences, this was actually mind-blowing. The session itself shifted so much ‘stuff’ for me I could not believe what actually came up! but I was also given a recording to listen to for 21 days, which I have listened to every night, I cannot tell you how different I feel, it is like all the fog has gone and things are so much clearer now, so much more positive and it sounds crazy but it is like a veil has been lifted on my life… all of a sudden opportunities are presenting themselves, doors are opening and my life is changing pretty rapidly!
All I can say is WOW, if you are not where you want to be in your life, if you feel stuck, depressed and just do not know where to turn next then I would say call Nicky and book in NOW, you won’t regret it.”
Unable to establish successful relationships, low self esteem, anxiety
“I’ve had a RTT session with Nicky 2 months ago and the positive changes that RTT has brought to my life have been fast and transformative. I have always been keen on therapy and self-development, mainly because of serious childhood traumas that I wanted to clear, but whatever I did there was always underlying doubts holding me back. I was still struggling to love and trust myself on a subconscious level.
Nicky’s intervention has totally helped me becoming truly confident and fully accepting myself on a deeper level. This means that I can now make decisions in my life that are right for me even if they are not easy. It has transformed my life for the better. I still listen to Nicky’s tape every day. Nicky’s got a lovely way to make you feel comfortable she really cares and puts you at ease and is very professional in her approach and the aftercare.
I would 100% recommend RTT and Nicky, I think it’s revolutionary and I wish I discovered it years ago.”
Procrastination and Holding Herself Back from Success – Visibility Fears
Nicky thank you so much you work wonders. And to tell you the truth. I’m still listening to you. This is the recording that I will keep with me for a long time.
You are an angel.
I am so happy after our session.
I love listening to the recording. You have such a wonderful voice. It is so calming and the transformation script is absolutely wonderful.
I can feel the change in me. It took some time and that is normal because of the topic we where working with. And now after some time has passed I can feel my motivation is so much better, and I’m starting in the morning preparingt the day and doing what I have to do to make things work.
Symptoms: Weight Issues and Eating Disorder
Yesterday a week ago we had our session and this morning I was on -2kg 🙂 When I am hungry I eat, when I’m not I don’t. Hardly any sugar as I don’t often feel like it. This has NEVER happened before. I even don’t have to hold myself back – it’s just happening. I honestly, dearly hope this will stay forever :-)))))
I never missed on the audio. Actually I’m really looking forward to it during daytime, as it gives me a well-deserved break and in the evening it gives me a much better sleep than watching tele. Thank you!
Symptoms: Anxiety / PTSD
I have been listening to your tape twice a day ….. I really really love it. It is so calming and incredibly empowering for me and I am holding onto the words consciously as well as unconsciously and I know it is making me stronger.
Yesterday I bumped into someone who has bullied me dreadfully in the past and been a very destructive force in my life. In the past I would have stood there feeling very vulnerable with my head bowed low.
But this time I was able to stand tall and proud with my head held high and I felt myself give out an energy that said I have utter contempt for you. I couldn’t muster up the strength to tell them verbally but I know I gave off a different energy – And that for me is a massive step in the right direction…. I am incredibly proud of how I was able to stand my ground and not feel so intimated by them….
And I somehow feel a stronger force is coming out of me – There is a definite increase in my confidence but also a type of anger – an anger that says – I can’t believe I haven’t stood up for myself before and allowed people to walk all over me…. I think I am finding my voice !
… More testimonials coming soon!
Money Blocks
“Don’t think, just do it! …”
Working with Nicky is a dream come true! She’s extremely skilled and has tons of experience, and her results show!
I had my first session with Nicky in October 2023, and I keep coming back to resolve other blocks that I have. I started with money mindset issues that were deeply rooted in my childhood. I have been unable to resolve them for the past 20+ years, and Nicky has done it in just two sessions!!! What’s possible with RTT and the other Therapy she does still blows my mind. EVERYTHING that blocked and stopped me is gone for good!
I wish I had met Nicky much sooner! If you’re thinking about working with her, don’t think; just do it. You will not regret it.
The next topic we’ll resolve is anxiety around health, and I can’t wait!
Simone S – Business owner & Entrepreneur – The Netherlands
RTT & Coaching
“This Saved My Life …”
Nicky saved my life.
I constantly had suicidal thoughts. All day and every time I woke at night I was planning how to kill me and my husband…. and how to warn our daughters not to come round till they’d called the police.
One day…. I remembered Nicky and messaged her.
One Therapy session later and my life changed
My perspective changed
Hope came back into my life
I changed
I knew I wanted more as I thought that one session and her very careful follow-up wasn’t enough to change 74 year-old habits so I signed up to her 6-month programme.
We’ve had way, way more than promised
My life is back on an even keel, full of joy, full of promise and full of life
You don’t have to wait till you hit rock-bottom. Talk to Nicky. It’s worth it. I promise
Dorothy, Business owner, & Carer
“This has Changed My Life …” – Eva Vecchio, Italy
Before I decided to reach out to Nicky I was in really bad shape. I had chronic anxiety and a significant amount of fear every day to deal with, which was all related to my childhood trauma. All the work I was doing on the surface level, did not help. I was exhausted from feeling scared all the time, not sure if I could trust my own feelings and my decisions. I just felt I needed to do some deeper work to get to the root cause of this situation, otherwise I would never be able to move forward with my life.
The session was very intense and unfolded some painful things for me, but I fully trusted Nicky. I felt absolutely secure and in “loving hands” all the way through. And the result of the session was wonderful! It was deep and it felt like I unchained myself from four decades of fear, which was overriding my life experiences. I felt like I was born again, but this time as fully healthy human being with new life to live. Life free from negative conditioning.
I allowed myself the next month to fully integrate my new beliefs and now, I feel so grateful, happy, joyful and abundant every single day. Sure, sometimes a little fear comes in, but now I can control and direct my thoughts, I am in charge of my life and my experiences. This RTT session has changed my life and I will always recommend this therapy to anyone who wants to be free. I have done so much inner work prior to this, mindset, energy work and breathwork, but nothing has helped me like this Therapy with Nicky.
Nicky is most wonderful therapist I could ever meet on my journey and I don’t have enough appreciative words for her. Give yourself the gift of freedom from any negative conditioning, you will not believe how truly wonderful you can feel and how your life will change.
Thank you Nicky with all my heart!
“A life changing experience” – Donia K. – London
A friend recommended me Nicky and Rapid Transformational Therapy, and I was quite sceptical with the idea to start with. As a “control freak” the immediate thought was that I wouldn’t be able to let go, I was scared of what would be uncovered, and just overall nervous about it all. At this point, my anxiety was leaving me quite helpless, so I thought, let’s see what it is about.
I had my first call with Nicky, and her energy immediately puts you at ease. There is not much more I can say, you just FEEL like this is a safe space, and that it would help. So I signed up for the RTT, and quite frankly, it was life changing.
I had never experienced anxiety before, and over the course of a few months, my life turned upside down and it became my suffocating reality. The RTT gave me the answers I needed. The beauty of it all it that all these answers come from within. I am over 2 months post RTT and what amazes me is seeing more changes progressively happening.
I feel confident, I feel enough, and I feel aligned with the people around me. I am compassionate with myself and others. It is a weird thing to say, but I feel like I am at the right place and that things are going to be ok.
Most importantly, the RTT gave me keys to understand myself and my emotions better.
I would recommend it to anyone, and I am grateful that Nicky and I met. She has another program which I will enrol in too, and I hope that many other people can cross her path to get the answers they need.
Donia K – London
Procrastination / Money blocks / Sabotaging Behaviour in Business
We have been going 2 weeks now! It’s almost like a blockage has been removed which prevented great stuff happening, making me struggle in many aspects of life and now all this goodness is pouring in.
It feels like this goodness was just sitting there all the time bottled up, and locked away bubbling away, and Nicky removed the cork from the bottle and all the fizzy bubbles are now gushing out.
So much has happened in just 2 weeks – I’ve got heaps more energy and written 4 x new magnets which immediately added 32 leads to my email list, a win on the Premium bonds, lost weight and made sales into my membership site! I also got invited to be a panelist on a top marketers workshop and a guest on a brilliant podcast!
Karen M – Businesswoman and Membership Site Owner
PTSD, Anxiety, Trauma, Relationship Issues
“My mental health was okay – but I still felt “stuck” emotionally within a lot of my trauma. As soon as I spoke with Nicky on the phone I felt an instant connection.
The session itself was incredible. You made me feel totally at ease, totally relaxed and completely calm. Even when my grief was “released”, I never felt uncomfortable. I felt emotionally “held” by you.
As for my results…. I don’t even know where to begin! I had got so used to the “carrying” the trauma around with me on my chest and my shoulders. I would take pain killers like sweets because of the constant pain I was in, never realising it was just “held in trauma”! I can’t remember the last time I had a pain killer. My chest feels completely free, my shoulders are no longer in pain. The difference in my head and my heart is almost beyond my comprehension. I feel emotionally “free”. I sleep better. I don’t get triggered like I used too. I vary rarely think of my previous traumas and if I do, it’s not with a massive reaction like before.
To anyone considering a session with Nicky…. I would HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND this type of therapy. I feel calmer, more relaxed, more in charge of my emotions and feelings towards my emotions, I feel free! Please do this therapy with Nicky – it is totally and utterly life changing”
Mrs M D – Portishead, Bristol
12 Week RTT & Coaching – Feminine Fire – Ignite Your Passion, Purpose, Potential
I didn’t know what to expect when signing up for this program or how greatly it would impact my life. I’d had one RTT session with Nicky which changed my life completely so didn’t think anything could top that but as I love learning i thought I’d give it a go.
I mean every word when I say prior to this program I was a drifter, I was totally lost, felt no connection with anyone, lacked self worth and energy and didn’t know what self respect meant. And then I did this program and it was like all the pennies in a slot machine were starting to drop into the right place and I was going from being lost to rich, enriched with knowledge.
I now know who I am, I have opinions, I don’t agree with people to simply please them but also am now confident and happy to simply walk away.
Prior to this program, I have never done anything without someone else’s permission. I’ve had a great career but I’ve faced constant workplace bullying which mirrored my home life and lived each day on high alert waiting for the next bomb to go off and to be blamed for it.
Working with Nicky’s 12 week program made me realise I was quite co-dependent and constantly sought external validation which I finally recognised is pointless – I’m so grateful I did this program. I’ve done so many courses for my career, personal growth and development – this program was all I really needed.
I pray there is a Nicky out there for every woman who has faced similar personal challenges to those I’ve faced, she isn’t a life saver she is a life enabler.
Miss R – Birmingham, UK
Lifelong Anxiety
I have suffered from very bad generalised anxiety my whole life. I was always incredibly concerned about what people thought about me, I was very insecure. I struggled with public speaking and I struggled to perform on the sports field at a high level. As a result of this constant anxiety, my energy levels were always low. Life was generally very difficult.
I ‘d come to the point that I was no longer willing to just put coping mechanisms in place. I wanted to address the issue and sort it out for good. I was just concerned that this wouldn’t work in the same way that everything else I’ve tried hasn’t solved the issue. HOWEVER THIS HAS WORKED!
I felt incredibly comfortable with Nicky from the start. I found it incredible what came up from my past which was impacting me now – I was just so desperate to address the issue as it was having a huge drag on my life.
4 weeks after my session, I feel free. Everyday I am growing in confidence. Every day to day action previously involved some form of anxiety, but now I know how to control my mind and every day gets easier. This was the best money I’ve ever spent – this has changed my life and I know it’s going to last because my mindset has completely changed now!
Al, Hertfordshire – Professional Sportsman
Lack of Confidence / Depression
Just wanted to let you know that since my session with you a couple of weeks ago, my mindset has changed so much! I feel free, to be honest, that is the only word I can use to describe how I feel, after we smashed through my old beliefs. I feel lighter, and have welcomed back my long lost real me, inside and out. I am enjoying my thoughts and my actions which were always there, but somehow squashed underneath some very unhealthy ways of thinking that I had had for so long.
I hope that all makes sense! I am really and truly back to my real self, and keep catching myself smiling and thinking “Yes!, welcome back Carol, I really am me now”.
Carol – Prison Worker
Lack of Confidence in Relationships and Career

My testimonial….
Tamsin P – Affiliate Sales, London
Lack of Confidence, Self Esteem, Self Sabotaging and Low Self Worth
Having that complete love for myself for the first time has felt really quite profound.
6 MONTHS Later
Sarah – Author – UK
Trauma, PTSD, Lifelong Self Sabotage and Anger – Medically Retired Navy Veteran, been in Therapy for 20 years
One session….I want to thank you for being so kind yesterday – This morning was a lot better after having spoken with you. I’ve told my therapist countless time how I wake up angry in the mornings and he never once told me to check my self-talk, to figure out what I was angry about when I wake up. It’s a simple task – I didn’t figure anything out, but it stopped the anger and made me think. To me, that’s a huge breakthrough. Thank you!
I honestly feel like I’m making progress for the first time in a very long time. I have you to thank for that, Nicky. I want you to know how awesome I think you are. I honestly feel like I’m on the right path now. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Brenda – US Medically Retired Navy Veteran
Self Sabotage, Income cap, Low self esteem
I have long felt that I was holding myself back and being “overlooked” for promotion in my career and to be honest I always felt a bit of an “imposter” even though I have trained and qualified at a good level and am more qualified than those who are being promoted around me. I also felt that I attracted amazing women….but I always let them down and I’ve never truly been able to connect intimately – something that has played on my mind for a while now. I must admit I was sceptical….”woo woo” stuff is not really my thing, but when my friend recommended you, I thought it could do no harm, I was fed up feeling like this, and now seemed a good a time as any. I was honestly astonished at what came up – I had no idea what I had been holding on to and what my “child” mind had believed to be so true about me at a core level.
I actually feel like a great weight has been lifted, I feel like I now have “permission” to succeed at the highest level – the session itself blew my mind and I have already referred you to a friend as you were so thorough and so caring throughout. I actually can’t wait to date again – I feel like something has finally shifted inside me. Thank you! – I would not hesitate to recommend Nicky – in fact I already have.
Paul – Insurance Broker – London
Incapable of Sustaining a Loving Relationship
I decided to seek help because I was tired of being incapable of having a healthy and loving relationship. I knew that I had some short of unconscious inner blocker. I was nervous but I can tell you it was one of the best decisions of my life!!! During the hypnosis sesions we were able to find events that shaped my life since I was 5 years old!!! It is amazing how past events can shape your life and how based on these you may unconsciously “protect” yourself.
From being quite a shy, introverted person, I feel completely energetic and alive. I love interacting wit people, speaking with anyone and even making jokes. I feel very proud and comfortable with myself and loveable.
If you have any inner blocker, I suggest you not waiting and letting your life pass by. Schedule a session with Nicky and let it change your life
James – Marketing Manager, Toulouse, France
8 Week “Find Your Passion & Purpose RTT & Coaching” Program
The one to one session we had as part of the program really allowed me the opportunity to see what was driving some of my thinking as an adult. It was like a yahoo moment when I understood what was behind my thinking. However, the group discussions and meeting like minded women really showed me what it felt like to belong.
My biggest transformation is ME, my behaviours, my outlook and my thinking. I am much happier with purpose back in my life!
Louise B – Scottish Executive
8 Week “Find Your Passion & Purpose RTT & Coaching” Program
In an open, genuine vulnerable and very real way, Nicky’s passion for what she does is apparent and infectious – You made it all come alive for each of us, you made it possible for us to believe we could….
The Values exercise was such an eye opener for me and made things much clearer in my mind about what I needed to do. I hadn’t realised what an important role it plays in our personal happiness and growth. As for the audios we got – I loved them – they just speak to my soul! How did I ever live without them before?
L. A – Assistant Pharmacist and Therapist, Middlesex UK
Attracting the Wrong Relationships
My issue was my inability to form strong lasting friendships or relationships, which as an intelligent individual and high achiever – I found difficult to figure out. Throughout my whole life I have attracted the same time of person, a bully. I had read every spiritual book out there, taken part in every cleansing soul class, had counselling, NLP, Reiki, CBT, hypnosis and still the same type of person was re-entering into my life, constantly on a loop.
When making the appointment I was hesitant, I felt I had tried everything, so could Nicky really make a difference? But on our first consultation call Nicky really listened and just by the words she used, I felt she really understood the frustration and tiredness I felt about life and my relationships.
Nicky is an exceptionally skilled therapist and my RTT session was very comfortable despite the subject being incredibly sensitive.
Since my session with Nicky, my life has changed in so many positive ways, and one of the key things I learned is to understand how to have an inner dialogue when things do not feel emotionally right with me. I no longer interact with the wrong people on dating apps. This is the best money I have ever spent on myself and I highly recommend Nicky.
JR – Midlands, UK
8 Week “Find Your Passion & Purpose RTT & Coaching” Program
My favourite part of my coaching program with Nicky was being part of an amazing program with amazing women who were all on the same page. My least favourite part was when it “ended”. I felt part of something very special and we have all stayed in touch.
My biggest shift has been the way I see money – I now feel that I deserve it in my life and that I can manifest good things for myself and I also value myself more in relationships and when I am trying to ‘date’ – I now don’t put up with the ‘low vibration’ guys….
I understand so much more about my mind’s ‘blueprint’ and how it wasn’t serving me but I guess my biggest transformation is feeling that I am finally, starting to recognise my ‘worth’ which as you know is huge for me. So, thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
I would absolutely recommend coaching with Nicky, It is one of the best decisions I have made in my life…. Thank you!
Rosie C – Entrepreneur & Businesswoman, Hampshire UK
Depression, Low Self Esteem, Agoraphobia
Hey –Nicky so sorry I haven’t been in touch! I haven’t stopped I’m a changed woman! I feel completely stress free a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. I’m LIVING again meeting friends got back to work I found my vision and have an outlook. And it’s finally a positive one.!! I am achieving and everyone around me seems different too! In a good way!
Still got to work on doing things alone but my outlook is becoming naturally easier! My mind feels more at peace thanks to you.
Love Lisa xxx
Lisa G – North Essex
Alopecia Areata (Hair loss)
I had a session with Nicky in April 2019 for stress and immune system related Alopecia. It was a great session and I had a lovely recording to listen to. Just a couple of weeks later I noticed that all the patches were starting to grow back, which was great, but this has happened before, so I wanted to leave it a bit.
Now in March 2020 I realised I had not suffered any further Alopecia patches, but with the Corona virus outbreak, I asked my sister to check my hair to see if I had any new patches as both of us have noticed some of our auto immune things flaring up since all this Corona nonsense. The Alopecia was to remind me to take care of myself so I was concerned that it’d rear its head again given all of the recent stresses but I have no patches at all…none!!
I’ve not had that for over 4 years. All thanks to you Nicky!! Thank you xx
JS – Business Owner, North London
Relationship Issues
I came to Nicky because I heard about RTT and had some lingering issues I wanted to work on in my personal life. I’ve done a lot of work on the issues I knew about, but I knew there were a couple of things holding me back that were deep in my sub conscious.
I was referred to Nicky because I heard she gets great results and for me personally I can say she really delivered.
We did an in-depth RTT session where she really got to the heart of the issue and helped me in relationships both with my wife and also with my Mother who was visiting for a couple of weeks. I can absolutely say that my relationship with my wife has improved to a much better level and the visit that I was dreading with my Mum went very well too. To clear out these relationship issues is a huge benefit in my life and I feel much closer to my wife.
Nicky is very, professional and very knowledgeable and she treated me with kindness and respect and compassion the whole way through – she explained things so well – she’s a real master practitioner at what she does and I’m really glad to have Nicky in my inner circle of trusted people and can absolutely recommend her to anyone who has some issues to be cleared.
Michael A – Business Owner, Entrepreneur, Surrey
Low Confidence – Wants to find Love
It is now about 2 months since our session and I am still listening to your recording most evenings when I go to bed because I love it.
I have also heard from my American ex boyfriend who was for me, “the one that got away”!!
He has contacted me out of the blue and we are meeting up soon – as he says he feels the same! Honestly life couldn’t be better!
Beyond the sky is the limit! Thank you so much!!!
Carol – Age 56 – Beautician, Surrey
“Yo-yo Dieting, Weight Issues, Self Sabotage in Career Success
I wish I had discovered RTT years ago…..
Yo-yo dieting, weight problems and food obsession coupled with repeating life patterns of self sabotaging my success in life led me to seek out RTT. After years of self-help books, trying this and that, I realised that I needed a more permanent solution. Very soon after my RTT sessions with Nicky I noticed positive changes and, I’m very happy to say, continue to see changes all the time.
I had two sessions with Nicky and through a combination of skill and RTT, Nicky was able to pinpoint and assist with the release of the childhood root causes that were blocking me on a subconscious level.
I still listen to the recording Nicky designed for me every single day and will continue to do so as I enjoy listening to it so much. Nicky’s approach is very professional and caring and she makes you feel so comfortable and safe and checks in with you regularly after the session.
I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her.”
6 Week “Heartache to Soul mate” Coaching program – Self Confidence (Relationships)
I can highly recommended Nicky!!
Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Anxiety
Due to a friend’s recommendation I contacted Nicky to help with my IBS and anxiety. I never would have tried RTT without the direct recommendation because I am very wary of so-called cures on the internet! However, I can honestly say this is the best money I have spent on my recovery and management. I am significantly less stressed and now drop off to sleep immediately. The most surprising result has been that I am now very aware of the thoughts I am having and the messages I am telling myself – I can catch and reframe any unconducive thoughts easily. My IBS symptoms have improved and for the first time in 2 years I have re-introduced a little dairy in to my diet without any issues. Absolutely an essential treatment for anyone who is suffering from stress-induced illnesses.
Procrastination and Self Sabotaging Her Success – Fear of Public Speaking/ Visibility
“I was lucky enough to have a session with Nicky just over 3 weeks ago – I wasn’t sure what to expect but Nicky really puts you at ease and has a lovely way about her and I felt completely relaxed.
I actually really enjoyed the session and it was amazing what came out – things just popped up from my childhood that I had completely forgotten about but when they came up I suddenly knew why they had been holding me back.
My issue was I’m a certified health coach and I wasn’t really getting myself out there – I know I can help people, and I believe in myself but I had lost confidence and just couldn’t put my self out there to market my business.
I had the session and listened to the personalised audio that Nicky does for you and just 3 weeks later I’m taking so much bigger action I don’t feel I have the fear any more – I’ve been doing Facebook “Lives” and putting myself back out on social media again and the things that I had planned to do but shelved I feel excited about again and I really feel I can do them now with confidence.
Symptoms: Anxiety, Self Esteem, Confidence
“I was in a really low place when I booked my RTT session with Nicky. I cannot tell you how life-changing the results have been.
I wasn’t sure what to expect although I had experienced hypnotherapy before and I also practice self-development, however, this was nothing like my previous experiences, this was actually mind-blowing. The session itself shifted so much ‘stuff’ for me I could not believe what actually came up! but I was also given a recording to listen to for 21 days, which I have listened to every night, I cannot tell you how different I feel, it is like all the fog has gone and things are so much clearer now, so much more positive and it sounds crazy but it is like a veil has been lifted on my life… all of a sudden opportunities are presenting themselves, doors are opening and my life is changing pretty rapidly!
All I can say is WOW, if you are not where you want to be in your life, if you feel stuck, depressed and just do not know where to turn next then I would say call Nicky and book in NOW, you won’t regret it.”
Unable to establish successful relationships, low self esteem, anxiety
“I’ve had a RTT session with Nicky 2 months ago and the positive changes that RTT has brought to my life have been fast and transformative. I have always been keen on therapy and self-development, mainly because of serious childhood traumas that I wanted to clear, but whatever I did there was always underlying doubts holding me back. I was still struggling to love and trust myself on a subconscious level.
Nicky’s intervention has totally helped me becoming truly confident and fully accepting myself on a deeper level. This means that I can now make decisions in my life that are right for me even if they are not easy. It has transformed my life for the better. I still listen to Nicky’s tape every day. Nicky’s got a lovely way to make you feel comfortable she really cares and puts you at ease and is very professional in her approach and the aftercare.
I would 100% recommend RTT and Nicky, I think it’s revolutionary and I wish I discovered it years ago.”
Procrastination and Holding Herself Back from Success – Visibility Fears
Nicky thank you so much you work wonders. And to tell you the truth. I’m still listening to you. This is the recording that I will keep with me for a long time.
You are an angel.
I am so happy after our session.
I love listening to the recording. You have such a wonderful voice. It is so calming and the transformation script is absolutely wonderful.
I can feel the change in me. It took some time and that is normal because of the topic we where working with. And now after some time has passed I can feel my motivation is so much better, and I’m starting in the morning preparingt the day and doing what I have to do to make things work.
Symptoms: Weight Issues and Eating Disorder
Yesterday a week ago we had our session and this morning I was on -2kg 🙂 When I am hungry I eat, when I’m not I don’t. Hardly any sugar as I don’t often feel like it. This has NEVER happened before. I even don’t have to hold myself back – it’s just happening. I honestly, dearly hope this will stay forever :-)))))
I never missed on the audio. Actually I’m really looking forward to it during daytime, as it gives me a well-deserved break and in the evening it gives me a much better sleep than watching tele. Thank you!
Symptoms: Anxiety / PTSD
I have been listening to your tape twice a day ….. I really really love it. It is so calming and incredibly empowering for me and I am holding onto the words consciously as well as unconsciously and I know it is making me stronger.
Yesterday I bumped into someone who has bullied me dreadfully in the past and been a very destructive force in my life. In the past I would have stood there feeling very vulnerable with my head bowed low.
But this time I was able to stand tall and proud with my head held high and I felt myself give out an energy that said I have utter contempt for you. I couldn’t muster up the strength to tell them verbally but I know I gave off a different energy – And that for me is a massive step in the right direction…. I am incredibly proud of how I was able to stand my ground and not feel so intimated by them….
And I somehow feel a stronger force is coming out of me – There is a definite increase in my confidence but also a type of anger – an anger that says – I can’t believe I haven’t stood up for myself before and allowed people to walk all over me…. I think I am finding my voice !
… More testimonials coming soon!