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Speaking events
Did you know that lack of confidence, self esteem, anxiety, depression, relationship issues, addictions and phobias and even auto immune system problems can all be linked back to events that happened in your childhood.
Whether your current issues are serious or minor – if you are not living your life to the level that you want then I can share with you some tips about how your mind works, so that you can literally ‘reprogram” your mind to get the results that you want.
My talks can be tailored around any particular industry – you can download my speaker form here – Click Here.
Podcast /Radio / TV Contributor
If you are looking for podcast interviews, I would be happy to contribute. I have been interviewed on various podcasts and spoke for an hour on local Radio about mental health, anxiety and relationship problems.
To listen to the radio show Click Here ==>
Our Specialties
Simply get in touch
guest blogging
speaking events
womens /relationship events (speciality)
podcasts interviews
local TV or radio
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Nicky Price